Well, John finally got a job in Alaska! YARHOO!!!! I knew it would happen, it was in God's hands all along. And as I heard in church today, God's timing is the perfect timing. As a Christian, many non-believers may ask how I know there is a God. This is how (in a tiny nutshell):
When John and I moved to CA, we loathed it. (But enjoyed our friends and trips to Reno). I had to open an in-home daycare to make ends meet in the very expensive CA. I soon fell ill with Mononeuclosis and was sick for a little over two years. After less than a year of illness, I began thinking of moving home to live with my parents so I could recover and move on with my life. I finally made the move last summer, after non-stop urging by my mother. My father fell and broke his neck and leg in July, a few weeks after arriving at Camp Dubberly (My parents' home). I soon took over the outdoor responsibilities--because dad couldn't mow the lawn anymore. Dad spent the next six months of his life in a neck brace. He became ill in January. He was diagnosed with Acute Myleoid Leukemia (I think that's the name) on January 30, 2010. His body stopped working on February 5, 2010. Six days after the diagnosis.
I learned God is merciful, his neck and leg had not healed, and probably never would have. He would have had to spend the rest of his natural life in a neck brace. He was in pain. A lot of pain. So God relieved him of his pain and made him whole again.
Sure, I am sad for me. I'll always miss my dad. I heard Peggy Sue today at the restaurant and immediately thought of him. How he'd be singing along. He loved music. But as a Christian, I know where Dad is. I know when I'll see him again. I know who he's visiting with in Heaven. I know there were so many people waiting to welcome him with loving arms. And I know God wanted me here for the last six months of his life. For that I am grateful.
Let me say that John and I were both praying fervently for a job so that we could be together as a family again (and the kids prayed every night too!). Six days after Dad passed away John got a job offer, and I got called back to work after a short lay-off! God provides! Prayers are always answered. Not always how we want them to be answered. Not always when we want them to be answered. But prayer takes persistence and patience. And God hears our prayers.
Luke 11:9, 10: "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Had John moved to Alaska and landed a job immediately, as we thought would happen, I may not have been here for my dad. And had he landed a job soon after arriving, I may not be here for my mom, as I am now. God's timing is the perfect timing. It may be hard to wait for your prayers to be answered, but it will happen---on God's watch.
As a "born-again" Christian, I am learning so quickly. I'll end with this, "Not infrequently our God brings His people into difficulties on purpose that they may come to know Him as they could not otherwise do." J. Hudson Taylor.